Ascending Order Beyond 100

Concept Explanation

Ascending Order Beyond 100

To arrange the number in such a way that the numbers are in increasing order that is smaller to bigger is known as Ascending Order.

The numbers 236, 133, 405 and 721 when arranged in ascending order will be

133, 236, 405, 721

For example we have numbers 236, 133, 405 and 721

On comparing the numbers we find that the smallest number is133, The number greater than 133 and less than other numbers is 236.

Arranging the numbers in the increasing order we get 133 < 236 < 405 < 721

Illustration 1: Which of the following number will replace the question mark?


B. 928 

C. 623          

D. 475

Answer: B

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Question : 1

Which of the following number will replace the question mark?

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Which of the following number will replace the question mark?

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